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"Fun in all its rich diversity is one of the greatest achievements of the human species, alongside language, culture and technology. Without play, neither would be possible."  Dr. David Whitebread, University of Cambridge 

Children's play is fundamental to their well-being and holistic development (cognitive, social, emotional, physical, etc.). It is an opportunity to take risks, make mistakes, make daily adventures, and test yourself and your limits.

Research shows that free play is critical to a child's development, equipping them with the skills they need to cope in the future, such as emotional intelligence, creativity and problem-solving skills.  Play is an important part of growing up, and natural spaces offer openness, variety, change, exploration, creativity and wildness.  

"As long as our ever-changing world presents new challenges, the ability of children to develop skills relevant to their future, as well as to that of society as a whole, will be crucial. If 56% of children still spend less time outdoors than inmates in institutions with  sharpened  strictness in the US, then it will be more difficult to search for future leaders, creators and discoverers. "  Real Play Coalition , World Economic Forum

A rapidly changing world, including technology development, robotics development  and artificial intelligence means that​​ children currently starting education  will be working in positions that do not yet exist. 

According to the Mc Kinsey Global Institute, robots could replace more than 800 million jobs by 2030.

Jack Ma, Chinese businessman and philanthropist  postulates that children cannot be taught to compete with machines. According to him, unique  and distinctive  machine people are skill  such  like creativity,  beliefs, independent thinking, cooperation, care for others. All these features that he acquires during unrestrained play. Fun in a natural space.

The more children play today, the better prepared they will be for life in the future. 

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