For our parents and grandparents, childhood memories are endless days of free fun in the fresh air. Only friends and fun were important. Everything that is important the children could conjure up themselves. Today, childhood is different. Children surrounded by plastic toys grow up in prosperity, which paradoxically limits the development of their imagination and creativity.
A child's development and education is an important and sensitive topic. Today's children are the adults of tomorrow. If we help a child develop his full potential, we will not only offer him a more peaceful future, but also contribute to the evolution of the future world, respecting the natural laws that govern him.
What is important to us is: joy, spontaneity, freedom, bilingualism, respect for the personality and needs of everyone, movement, creativity, autonomy, responsibility, nature, innovation, ecology, health, trust, self-confidence, commitment and openness to the world. More about our values >>
To create the program we were inspired by various trends in pedagogy, mainly school pedagogy forestry and pedagogy of Maria Montessori, but also various theories and techniques that we had the opportunity to meet during our courses as teachers or parents. We try to use the best practices, we are constantly developing, reading and improving. We want to accompany children in their development by providing them sense of security, respect, and respect for borders. We are convinced that such foundations will best prepare them for further education.